Chemical penis enlargement consultations

Many inquiries have been made regarding my webcam consultations, so here is what I am replying:

"Yes, I am still doing penis enlargement consultations by webcam only. In this time, I will show you how to get what you need, based on what worked for me and my other clients, for a fee of $120 per hour. You can select an available spot on my calendar and register yourself, and then pay by PayPal to confirm your booking.

Please remember that I can only recommend the methods that I have used myself to get to 9x7 from 7x5. Some people may disagree with me, but I only answer questions and YOU are totally responsible for acting on what you learned and to FOLLOW THROUGH with it until you get the size you want. " I'm a tough sale, but I am not interested in those who won't commit fully to this. Separating the 'serious' from the 'just curious' is still important to me, and if you have any doubts, you are not ready. Be teachable and we will have a win-win situation.

I'm glad that a new batch of guys are taking up the challenge of chempe this month. It is totally worth it and is doable, provided you are ready to handle the mental obstacles such as fear. I have not lost any gains with my maintenance program since I stopped active penis enlargement, which is a good sign for permanent results.

Have a wonderful new year and let me help you with your goals and resolutions 😁

Ronielle out

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