Psychedelic Trip-Sitter in Montréal

Shifting towards the spotlight is something that I have been doing since the beginning of my career: trip-sitting gay men who take their own plant medicines to experience a deeper exploration of self within a safe and intimate context, followed by meaningful discussions in subsequent visits.

Being trauma-informed and sensitive to the emotional well-being of others (military-trained for counselling personnel), as well as possessing plenty of first-hand knowledge on psychedelics and its healing potential/effects; my public shift towards this is due to the recent rise in awareness and desire in my community.

Being a caring guide for a deeply personal journey within is part of my experiences, and greater acceptance of natural compounds for healing psychological and physical issues have a reduced criminal aspect in Canada.

Please research online for "psychedelic trip-sitter" if you need more information than what I can provide in this limited space. You take what you have, I keep you safe. 

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