Epigenetics Research, Lunasin Peptide and Penis Enlargement

Could lunasin peptides, which affects gene expression in very positive ways (but focused on accelerated tissue healing), be a possible addition to the penis enlargement enthusiast? After much research, and learning more about epigenetics and its control of genes contained in every cell DNA, I believe that for the moment it's an interesting experiment since I have found a source of supplements that are the highest quality and concentration of lunasin  as well as a 30 day guarantee that you will like the feeling of your good genes being switched on and your bad genes (including degenerative conditions) are reducing in activity.

In my experience, many of my chemical penis enlargement consultation clients are healthy and even athletic, and the fact that lunasin peptides can increase genetic potential using its ability to mimic the epigenome of healthy/fit individuals is of specific concern. What if you already fit and healthy?

Penis enlargement experiments are based on the concept of gently damaging penile tissue and allowing it to heal in a comfortable, elongated state. It goes to show that anything that can potentially speed healing rate, the rate of growth for penis mass is higher, and the total duration of the enlargement process can be reduced.

Getting the lowest price for the lunasin peptide required a sponsor and a $50 membership that gives me a volume discount, because I intend to test it out for a variety of experiments. The yearly membership costs less than my executive Costco membership of $110. So in the end, purchasing a Reliv discount card was worth it in my case.

For my readers who are interested in experimenting with lunasin supplementation, I set up an easy website to order it directly without a sponsor or membership card (since I had to buy a business kit to get a volume discount)  , and there is more information about the science of epigenetic manipulation to for improving health in general. Be aware that there is no mention of penis enlargement on the site, however make sure my name is on the top of the page as an independent distributor so you can get it shipped to you directly without hassle. My portal link for getting lunasin is here.

The 30 day supply of pure lunasin peptides is about $50, and should be enough to get an indication if it's working for you. There are other formulas that include lunasin that are targeted towards certain condition but are more expensive, since they are meant for replacing your current multivitamin and minerals and/or protein powder/creatine, depending on your own goals. If nothing is changing and you feel ripped off, use the guarantee after 30 days to get your investment back.

I will be posting here how I feel during the genetic optimization experiment, once I get my order. Side experiment is using lunasin supplementation for my aging dog, but it will depend on my budget for this trial.

Thank you for reading!

Ronielle out

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